Today was a great day...not only is the weather getting noticably warmer around here (I think it reached the mid-40s today!), but I also re-connected with a grade-school friend! Although we had talked here and there through facebook over the past few months, we hadn't seen in each other in over 20 years - until today! She owns her own salon in a nearby suburb and I spent my afternoon in foils, coffee in hand, chatting with Charice about everything! What a great way to spend the day...and I got great color and a new-do to boot! Just perfect...
Now it's time to sit down at my machine and finish up a few orders I've been working love love these triple-ruffle denims that I'm making for the most beautiful little darlin' - these are always in my shop and are definitely a wardrobe staple.

This beautiful photo was taken by Beth Miller of - isn't it wonderful? I would love to be able to take photos half as well as the amazing photographers I've been so priveleged to work with...but, alas, no such luck...maybe someday...