I can't seem to get enough of these digital kits (most of which are FREE!!! ) - my poor children. I can't tell you how many times in the past week I've heard "Mom!!! Are you STILL on the computer????," "I'm huuuunnnngry," "I'm thiiiirrrrsty," etc. (I hope I'm conveying the whining sufficiently...)
I stumbled upon a site - Persnickety Prints - that prints off 12x12 scrapbook pages at an amazing price. Can't wait to see how some of my pages actually look in real life!
Persnickety Prints is also offering a contest this month - SuzyQ Scraps offered up a free digi-kit...the object is to use that one kit alone to make a page (no real feat, here - the kit is HUGE) and then post a link to the page...
Here's the first page I made from it:
And here's the second...so much fun!!!
And here's something I threw together in about 3 minutes...isn't this stuff AWESOME????

OK, OK, enough about that...;)
I have to get back to some sewing! I have so many projects I want to do! Next week I'll be starting the Sewing Bits & Pieces series...I have all of my pieces (almost) cut for the first 2 projects - a countdown banner and some darling little refrigerator magnets - yay!!!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!