...saturday's 2-minute makeover...

So I had so much fun with my 2-minute makeover from last week I've decided to do it every Saturday! Yay!

But there's a catch...I want YOU help me!

Have you recently done a quick little makeover? A little change that made a big difference? Wanna share it here? Just send me your before & after photos (to twolittlemonkeysboutique@hotmail.com)...add a link to your blog if you've posted about it, and tell me what you did to make your space better...

Here's this week's makeover...from Kristin at A Simply Klassic Home...

...go to Kristin's blog here...

...the before...

Some quick pillow changes, some summer decor for the coffee table, a new lamp, aaaaand...

...the after...

So lovely and so fresh...
To read Kristin's entire post, click here...

Thanks so much, Kristin, for letting me feature your mini-makeover!

Now, the rest of you awesome readers...go switch something up...and take photos...and send them to me for next week's feature...

If you're mini-makeover has been featured and you would like a "feature" button, grab one here...

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