Elle's Studio | July Kits + Extras

7.10.2017 •
Happy July 10!

Here we are...halfway through summer already!

We've already made a bunch of memories...and we've got about 7 more weeks to pack in as many more as we can.

Thank goodness for awesome scrap supplies that make documenting easy and fun!

Supplies like the brand new Elle's Studio July Kit + extras...they've just been released and they are AWESOME!

Wanna see?

This month's kit is packed with bright, bold color...just perfect for summer! 

Next up are some of the wonderful extras that go along with this month's kit...awesome Cork Tags, a FANTASTIC new set of Summer Puffy Stickers, and some perfect little Everyday Circle Stickers!

Here are this month's printables and digital cut-fileshttp://bit.ly/2ua93WT...perfect to use in digital OR hybrid scrapping! 

That blue ombré card! ACK! I just love that one!

OK...so now that you've seen the kit items, you wanna see the projects that I created with them? 

Check out the Elle's Studio site to see even more DT inspiration!


...don't forget: the limited edition, the exclusive July Kit is on sale right now for $9.99 - but at midnight PST that price will change to $11.99 - so make sure to get yours! Kit add-ons (which are created to coordinate with the main kit) are also limited and will no longer be available once they are sold out...don't wait!

PLUS! Elle's Studio is now offering subscription options as well! Woo hoo! 

Getting a subscription guarantees you a kit each month, locks you into the $9.99 price AND gets you FREE (USA) or reduced (International) shipping on anything added to your box on the 10th! So good, right?!

Find all the information on subscribing HERE.

And just fyi...here are the direct links for all of the new stuff now available:

All NEW products can be found HERE

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